
Hospice Image.jpg

Lewis County Hospice recognizes the needs of the “whole” person. We promote quality of life through holistic comfort care for the terminally ill & their loved ones. Our approach provides for the physical, social and spiritual dimensions of care and support. Along with the services provided by the hospice interdisciplinary team, we also cover the following:

  • Pain and symptom management

  • Instruction in and guidance in the care of the patient

  • Emotional, psychosocial and spiritual support

  • Medications, nursing supplies and durable medical equipment related to the patient’s terminal illness

  • Hospitalization, if medically necessary, for symptom management



For more information about Hospice Services, please call us at 315-376-5308.  

Hospice Referral Intake form can be faxed to: 315-376-5435.

Hospice Referral Intake Form

You can also click on any of the links below for more information about Hospice programs and volunteer opportunities for Hospice.

Hospice Services Brochure

Bereavement Coordinator - 315-376-5308 


Volunteers help provide compassionate care to those living with life-limiting illness, and support for their families and caregivers. Hospice depends on our volunteers to help us provide the extra love and care our patients and their families need at this challenging time in their lives.

To find out more about the many ways you can volunteer at Hospice contact Volunteer Coordinator, Kathleen Merrick at 315-376-5434 or email kathleen.merrick@lcgh.net.

Volunteer Application


Please visit the websites below to make a donation to support Lewis County Hospice.

Friends of Lewis County Hospice: https://friendsoflchospice.org/

Lewis County Hospital Foundation: https://www.lewiscountyhospitalfoundation.org/